On July 24, 2016, White Memorial Presbyterian was pleased to host a tribute luncheon to celebrate the great works of our own Reverend Carole McCartney. Reverend Carole has been a blessing and more to us over the years and in honor of her love, support, friendship, and leadership, Ann Stephenson of our congregation wrote the following poem to describe a little bit about Reverend Carole:
Carole, July 24, 2016
Carole, I looked up your name to start on my rhyme.
I knew there’d be inspiration to help me define
Our church relationship and our debt of appreciation.
I hope you’ve known and felt our love before this occasion.
You are our minister, our friend and our sister.
You’ve helped us navigate some straight and crooked vistas
As you’ve moderated our session, made hospital rounds,
Baptized new members and helped lay us in the ground.
You’re easy to love, not pushy or loud.
You don’t seek attention AND at ease when there’s a crowd.
We thank you, our coffee loving pal. You’re experienced in standing by.
Your air travels gave you practice, waiting your turn to fly.
Your son’s credentials offer you this perk, that’s a test and a feat!
And you’re up to it. A loving mother of 3 sons must be very sweet.
Did you ever yell at your sons? Were you always so calm?
You’ve got determination; I saw it work with Tom.
You’re short and when preaching, a friend built you a step.
Your messages, loud and clear from your heart need no help.
Back to your name, Carole is French and in German it’s a song.
In italian, Carole is friendly and a joy to be around.
In our book Carole is described by Gal. 5:22.
Our book, the Bible, the fruit the the spirit describes you.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self control.
This gift from god, those precious qualities, always dear to behold.
We love you Carole. You’re so easy to love.
You model how God loves from above.
For we do not proclaim ourselves; we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. – 2 Corinthians 4:5-7
Sunday morning I had a really great experience that did a lot to give me hope, and keep this crazy messed-up world in perspective. In other words, I attended worship at a Christian church.
Once in a while people actually read my books and then I get invited to speak; this time it was at a little country church in Willow Spring, about 40 miles south of Wake Forest, near Fuquay Varina on the other side of Raleigh.
When I was planning my message, I couldn’t get the “We have this treasure in clay jars” idea out of my head, so I used the entire 2 Corinthians 4 chapter as my text, and talked about the opportunity – and the responsibility – we all have to put our treasure to good use.
After I read the scripture, and before I started to share what was on my heart, I said, “You all need to know that one of the things I do is to write a daily blog. I try to reflect on what God is teaching me on an ongoing basis, and there’s a strong likelihood that you are going to be featured in the next couple of days. So…” (and here I pointed my iPhone at the congregation), “smile and wave at the camera!”
Then I shared what was – I trust – twenty minutes or so of encouragement. Here are the first couple of paragraphs:
Good morning! It’s great to be here with you today. I’m always torn when I receive invitations to speak – because on the one hand I absolutely love to worship with my faith community in Wake Forest… and on the other I feel a compelling calling to share good news and encouragement with anyone who is willing to listen.
Fact is, there seems to be such an epidemic of bad news in the world – both foreign and domestic – that it’s all too easy to get sucked into a negative frame of mind. So I always make it a point to remind people – both readers and listeners – that:
1. Light always defeats darkness, that…
2. Good will always overcome evil, that…
3. The work of the church is – always – that of “The Exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the World”… and that…
4. We (that’s you, and me) are called to be God’s consistent and compelling message of hope, and redemption, and promise, and peace, and reconciliation… That’s our job, as Christian men, women, and children.
This morning I still have a smile on my face, because my experience at White Memorial Church in Willow Spring reminded me that the Body of Christ is alive, well, and active in small communities of faith scattered all over this land.
Here are good people who gather for worship every week, and who invite Jesus to be their guide and friend day by day.
Yes, I actually wore a tie!
Obviously we all need to grow as faithful disciples, and there is a lot that needs to be done in terms of translating life in Christ into a more functionally missional orientation to the community around us. But this little church, like so many countless others, stands as a testimony to the faithful heart of the people of God.
And that is good news to hear on this Monday morning!
We were blessed with beautiful music on Sunday by Pastor Derek Maul and our own choir.
Derek Maul playing guitar and leading us in our special music Sunday. He wrote the lyrics to the verses. How many lines from other hymns can you count?