Join us for our 2019 Haiti Mission Yard Sale! Items go on sale at 7:00 AM and will offer a BBQ plate lunch for $10 at 11 – plus a bake sale!

Join us for our 2019 Haiti Mission Yard Sale! Items go on sale at 7:00 AM and will offer a BBQ plate lunch for $10 at 11 – plus a bake sale!
We Need Your Help!
Let’s fill up a tool shed at the Yahve Jire Children’s Foundation in Haiti with construction and gardening tools!! For 10 years we have carried 200 pounds of tools to and from Haiti to use for building garden beds, playgrounds, dormitories, clothes lines, planting trees, building computer tables and library shelves. It is time that we build a tool shed and outfit it with these tools so that the different mission teams assisting each year will have what they need to work with without having to pay for suitcases of tools. We would rather use the space to take needed supplies to the children and the community.
It’s easy to help, just locate the tool shed poster in the church library, choose a tool, donate the amount on the tool and put it in the slot at the top of the tool shed. The team will do the rest. We will be purchasing the tools in Haiti to help their economy.
*Stay tuned for more information about a spring yard sale (donations welcome!!!, start watching Marie Kondo on YouTube and spring clean your homes) and coming in April a take-out BBQ plate – all to benefit team members and our projects at the Family Home
Join us after service to help our team get to Haiti this year with Super Soup! Enjoy great food and donate to help the Yavre Jire kids!